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05 June 2024

What is Redis?

Redis is an open source database engine with a BSD license. It operates using hash tables (key – value) and can be used as a persistent database.

What formats does it use?

One of the particularities of Redis is that, apart from the use of strings, it also allows abstract data such as:

  • Sets of strings
  • Lists of strings
  • “Hashes” where the key and value are of type string

Also, depending on the type of value it contains, different operations will be offered. Redis also offers multiple atomic operations such as insertions, “joints”, differences, or sorted lists, among others. Since version 2.6, it incorporates the ability to execute scripts in Lua language.

What languages does it support?

The languages supported by Redis are the following: Lua, PHP, Ruby, Python, ActionScript, C, C++, C#, Clojure, Common Lisp, Erlang, Go, Haskell, haXe, Io, Java, Node.js, Objective-C, Perl, Pure Data, Scala, Smalltalk, and Tcl.

How does it store information?

The general operation of Redis is based on storing information in RAM, but it also incorporates 2 ways to make this information persistent. Although both procedures constitute a great cost in server performance.

It also allows the replication of this data to a slave server and to create hierarchies in the form of a tree, since a slave server can in turn be the master of other nodes.

What uses does it have?

The most common use, among others, is for caching files, since storing information in RAM makes it very quickly accessible.

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