websightsSecurity IT/OT | SEIDOR
hero solucion network security operations.


Security IT/OT

Services that address connectivity and security challenges, including comprehensive managed services, to be alongside our clients day by day.


Security IT/OT

Services that address connectivity and security challenges, including comprehensive managed services, to be alongside our clients day by day.

The digitalization processes make organizations require solutions to connect their users and clients with the services they offer telematically. The services can be hosted within the organizations themselves, in a private Cloud, or in a public Cloud. The most valuable asset of organizations is information, which must be protected against cyberattacks.

This diversity of service locations and the need for information security makes the implementation of secure connectivity mechanisms, as well as their operation, often complex for organizations.


Do you want to know how and why to secure the Edge?

Edge Computing: It is a distributed computing paradigm that brings data processing closer to the data source, that is, to peripheral devices instead of relying exclusively on centralized data centers.

Email protection, browsing protection with the extension of the organization’s perimeter in teleworking situations, web protection, and content distribution.

Application security
Redes corporativas
Seguridad en redes

Firewalls, Workstation Protection with early detection and response, Access Management, Site Interconnection by automating configurations and link load prioritization.

Network security

Business challenges

Gestión del cambio

Adapting to technological change

Las organizaciones han de hacer frente a la rápida evolución de las tecnologías de redes y seguridad para dar respuesta a los retos de negocio.

Optimización gestión accesos

Optimizing access management

Un gran número de ataques de compromiso de la seguridad de las organizaciones está relacionado a una implementación no adecuada de la gestión de acceso a los activos digitales.

Experiencia de usuario

Ensuring the user experience

Es de vital importancia para las organizaciones garantizar la experiencia de los usuarios en al acceso a los servicios y aplicaciones que vehiculan el negocio.

Gestión multiples soluciones

Complex management of multiple solutions

El acceso a las herramientas de gestión ha de ser ubicuo para garantizar el acceso fácil y ágil a la información.