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In-person event

Salesforce Marketing Summit


- 20 June 2023

- 19:00 – 22:30

SEIDOR takes part in the historic event Salesforce Marketing Summit 2023.

Following the classics, where the wise once shared their knowledge in the agora, we will be joined by valued clients, who will tell us about their success stories, including those from SEIDOR and Salesforce.

Our experts will also have the honour of showing us how digitisation, artificial intelligence and data use are transforming the world of marketing in an exceptional way.

In short, the Salesforce Marketing Summit 2023 will be the epicentre of talent and innovation in the field of marketing. We are looking forward to seeing you in the Neptune Palace on 20 June!

Pre-Register and enjoy the experience!

mkt summit



Kiko Llaneras

Jefe de sección en EL PAÍS.

Ingeniero que escribe. Autor del libro ‘Piensa claro’.