ERP Ecosystem


AB-Biotics integrates its procedures and analytical data, ensuring profitability with SAP® S/4HANA Public Cloud​

Before: challenges and opportunities​

  • The company's dynamism and high innovation component involve a great deal of creativity in generating new products. This made it necessary to have a cross-functional tool that integrated procedures and analytical data to ensure profitability.​
  • The main challenge was to integrate the finance and manufacturing areas, where the exponentially growing volume made data integrity urgently needed. ​ ​


  • SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud stood out for its scalability, data integrity, and reporting automation. Additionally, the group to which the organization reports also uses the solution.​
  • SEIDOR has extensive experience in designing and adapting the system to the company, is flexible in implementation times, and supports each team by adapting sessions to their availability.​

After: benefits​

  • Increased control and data security, traceability, and increased reliable data for decision-making.​
  • Direct accounting increase due to the change in stock valuation policies, thanks to traceability and power in cost calculations.​
  • Tasks are more planned, driving short and long-term decision-making.​
  • Increased control of future cash flow, which was necessary to leverage the company's negotiating capacity and capital in the market. ​
Miguel Ángel Bonachera

Miguel Ángel Bonachera

Coexecutive Director

"SEIDOR has the advantage of having a lot of experience and provides solutions for everything."