
August 31, 2023

Success in change management in a digitalisation project

The emergence of new digital channels has accelerated in many companies, regardless of their industry or position in the supply chain. Manufacturers, retailers, wholesalers and distributors have adopted e-commerce in response to sales needs. However, for many companies, this is uncharted territory. In fact, there are organisations in which a digitalisation project of this scale has never been addressed.

As in most technological projects within an organisation, we can divide this into two stages: the development of the project and the implementation of the platform with its impact on the organisation. Here, we present the main recommendations for an efficient approach to change management. You will also find tips on how to introduce new digital tools quickly and without affecting your business's current processes.

A new digital strategy

All companies must set their final goals for their digital strategy. For some, this may be something temporary and tactical, such as creating new sales channels due to the current situation. For most, it will be a more in-depth strategy, seeking the unification of channels in the future, thereby achieving an omnichannel model. This can, of course, be approached from different perspectives. In any case, there will always be limits in terms of budget and time.

At SEIDOR, we recommend applying the so-called Minimum Viable Product, including when it comes to organisation. This means not only launching a platform with the basic functions that deliver value quickly, but doing so effectively. In other words: it is not simply about fast implementation (quick-win). We mean adapting processes in an agile and efficient manner (lean management), making them work from day one. This is crucial in change management.

Starting criteria to be established

The organisation must assess whether it can handle the new processes of the digital channel. The project strategy should include the identification of basic concepts like Key Success Factors. This term refers to the desired outcomes of the transformation project (e.g., increased sales, greater client loyalty, reduced customer service costs, etc.), and how to measure whether they have been achieved.

It is also important to consider how these changes will affect the company's current processes to avoid overloading existing teams. For example, product and catalogue managers should be able to adapt to the new digital channel without excessive difficulties.

We must not forget the cost in terms of organisation, in addition to the technological cost, which includes the platform and the implementation services. This organisational cost not only refers to the time needed to establish the new channel, but also to the opportunity cost of putting aside the usual day-to-day tasks.

The fundamentals behind an organisational MVP

When new channels are introduced into an organisation and they change the way they work, it is crucial to handle the adaptation process well. This is even more important if major changes are made in our company. That said, it is essential to strike a balance, since taking too long to analyse can work against the aim of achieving quick results. In other words, we should aim for a timely launch with the lowest organisational impact and cost.

Here are some of the fundamental points in this regard:

  • Outsourcing. Sometimes, when profound change management is attempted to adopt new methods and tools, we can fall into "paralysis by analysis". This is where an experienced consultancy firm can help. These firms can help companies adapt their organisation take advantage of their chosen tools, rather than trying to make the tools adjust to how we currently do things. Remember that the most immediate response is that the processes involved in the MVP will be those requiring the least organisational impact.
  • Have the team required. It is also necessary to involve key people from the beginning, especially those who will be most affected by the changes. This should start from the design and continue through the tests and validations. These key people will help us define how we will use the tools and what we need to make sure everything works properly. This will also help all teams accept changes and get ready for working differently.
  • The correct choice of new tools. Both employee participation and appropriate solution design are essential. When we adopt new digital channels, our employees must learn how to use them correctly and adapt their old ways of working. Digital solutions must be designed so that employees find them natural and easy to use. This also affects the employee's experience, which is similar to customer experience.

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How to approach change management in a digitalisation process?

At SEIDOR, we strongly recommend outsourcing many of these digital processes, at least at the beginning, when the transformation gets underway. We mustn't forget that change management in digital process is complex. While it is true that there are some jobs that are difficult to replace, such as those involving interacting directly with clients, there are others that can be delegated easily to an agency or implementer.

We are talking about processes related to managing catalogues and products online, sales strategies, logistics monitoring, team coordination, financial control, payment systems, digital marketing and graphic design, among others. Outsourcing tasks of this kind is very beneficial. The biggest advantage is that you don't need to learn everything from scratch to make the most of the tools.

In addition, when these processes are outsourced, a temporary team provided by the supplier can be supervised, and at the same time, the most repetitive tasks can be delegated to them. During this process, the company's team learns from experts without stopping work in the early stages. While another entity manages our new platform, we can continue to define how our internal roles will change and what new positions will be needed to keep everything running smoothly.

Outsourcing duration

We have talked about what is important for a project to work and how to know if it is on the right track. To understand a major change project well, we need to have a good control system, constant reporting and analysis. This helps us measure how things are going and gives us an idea of how they could improve. When you have a transformational strategy, you have already decided where you want to go. However, the road to get there will have different stages, depending on the decisions we make and what our customers and employees think about the new ideas.

It will take time to reach maturity, especially if we are making many changes and if these changes are major ones. But once the different parts of the company are working well together, you can stop relying so much on external help for certain processes. Rather, these procedures can be integrated and executed from within the company itself. On the other hand, it is possible that, for various reasons, such as lower cost, external collaboration may be maintained in the long term.

SEIDOR, your trusted change management partner

We are a team that knows how to handle different situations, such as those mentioned in this article. Both companies are specialists in change management and process outsourcing. Together, we offer services that include assistance in making major changes to a company, helping the company adapt to those changes, overseeing the process and having certain tasks done by people outside the company, such as agencies.

This can also include working on digital platforms. They can do this by using tools they already have or by using tools from other companies. They can also help with the strategy and plan for promoting things online. In addition, these services can be for a long or short period, depending on what the company needs and wants to do. Contact us now!


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MVP: How to approach the digital strategy of your e-commerce

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Javier Alonso
Javier Alonso
Marketing & Commerce Senior Advisor en SEIDOR
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