ponentes posando en el escenario

13 June 2024

SEIDOR drives talent and inclusivity at Sónar+D

  • The technology consultancy SEIDOR brings together 450 STEAM students, major IT companies, and inclusivity experts to address the impact of technological acceleration and generative AI on new professionals
  • Young talent from more than 15 vocational training centers, specialized education institutions, universities, and business schools demand that technology be a driving force for promoting inclusivity and diversity
  • Microsoft, IBM, SAP, and SEIDOR call for professionals with outstanding technical preparation in areas such as AI, cybersecurity, automation, and Big Data, along with critical thinking, learning ability, and adaptability

SEIDOR en SÓNAR+D: 450 estudiantes Tech exigen al sector tecnológico más compromiso con la inclusividad

Barcelona, June 13, 2024. The technology consultancy SEIDOR has brought together 450 young STEAM students from vocational training centers, specialized training programs, universities, and business schools, at an event held at Sónar+D, to address inclusivity and diversity in technology, in an environment of accelerated digital transformation, with Generative Artificial Intelligence as the most visible and paradigmatic element of the current stage.

Among the different voices participating in the meeting, the future professionals, still students today, stand out, who have agreed on the need for inclusivity and diversity to start within the IT companies themselves, with the creation of inclusive workspaces within these companies.

In this regard, the achievements of Ainhoa Castaño, a student of Computer Engineering and Telecommunications Electronics, with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), awarded the DonaTIC2023 prizes, and Aniol Bisquert, who is pursuing a master's degree in Data Science at UPC, awarded the best Final Degree Research project by the Faculty of Informatics of Barcelona (FIB), stand out. They have pointed out “the need for inclusivity to start in schools and within the technology industry itself to subsequently reach society as a whole.”

Thus, for Castaño, "technology offers many opportunities to innovate and solve social problems, but its real impact will depend on how it is used." Castaño added that "technology has proven its ability to include people with diverse abilities, such as autistic individuals." For his part, Bisquert stated that "there is still a deficit of female students in STEAM careers, so there is a whole potential that is being lost, perpetuating the tradition that men are the ones who opt for technological careers."

Technical knowledge and personal skills

In addition to students, major tech companies such as IBM, Microsoft, SAP, and SEIDOR, as well as inclusivity experts, have highlighted the need for companies to base their growth on diversity and social inclusion. In this regard, spokespeople from IT companies have pointed out that AI is transforming the job landscape and that, in this ever-changing context, companies need profiles "with adaptability and learning capacity, in addition to a solid knowledge base".

In this sense, Cristina Marqués, directora de selección de IBM Technology para Europa, Oriente Medio y África, has highlighted the importance of transversal skills, “such as adaptability and willingness to engage in projects that go out of their comfort zone,” but emphasizing that one must have technical knowledge with a focus on increasingly relevant areas, such as “ciberseguridad, Big-Data, Cloud, or automation

For her part, Human Resources Manager at Microsoft, Laura Sevilla, has defended “continuous learning and support for risk-taking, fostering inclusive and dynamic environments to enable growth.” Sevilla has also expressed the need for “younger talent to know how to integrate all the benefits of AI into their activities, in addition to mastering increasingly important aspects such as cybersecurity.”

Finally, Julien Quester, Manager Southern Europe and Solution Advisory at SAP, shared “the vision that employee growth and well-being should be integrated into the corporate culture to foster motivation and creativity.” In the field of specific knowledge, he pointed out that “the Cloud is revolutionizing the technology sector and is demanding a new generation of professionals in this field.”

Humanizar la tecnología

Finally, Iván González, director of Marketing, Communication, and Sustainability at SEIDOR, emphasized that “technology can be a positive agent of change when governed by ethical values, diversity, and inclusion.” For González, “the true legacy of technology does not lie solely in short-term economic gains, but in its contribution to the well-being of people, the protection of the environment, and the creation of a more just and equitable future for all.”

In relation to talent, for the SEIDOR executive, "the future of talent lies in a solid knowledge base and professional development in environments that support inclusivity and diversity".

Sónar more inclusive

Ventura Barba, CEO and partner of Advanced Music, the company organizing Sónar, has highlighted innovation as one of the fundamental pillars in the eclectic artistic programming of the festival, and especially in its proposals at Sónar+D. For Barba, "inclusivity and diversity are essential drivers for the innovation of Sónar and in those creative fields with which we are connected, allowing the incorporation of multiple perspectives and experiences that enrich the creative and technological environment of the festival".

Barba has remarked that "the new generations are asking brands for more commitment to diversity, creating inclusive environments that reflect the plurality of today's society". This approach is not only limited to artistic programming but extends to all aspects of the festival, from the selection of artists and speakers to collaborations with different communities and collectives. "A diverse environment is a breeding ground for disruptive ideas and innovative solutions", Barba added.

Presence of 15 training centers

Among the centers that have participated in the meeting are the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB), Universitat de Barcelona (UB), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Universitat de Vic, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Universitat de València (UV), and ESADE. Additionally, specialized study centers such as Elisava-Escuela Universitaria de Diseño e Ingeniería de Barcelona, BAU-Centro Universitario de Artes y Diseño de Barcelona, and ENTI-Escuela de Nuevas Tecnologías Interactivas have participated. The vocational training centers that have attended include La Salle-Universitat Ramon Llull, Salesians, Vedruna Catalunya, and Cicles Formatius Institut Cirviànum.

The more than 450 students are pursuing studies in areas as diverse as Inteligencia Artificial, Ingeniería Informática, Telecomunicaciones, Matemáticas, Gestión de Sistemas, Ingeniería Multimedia, Diseño, Arte, Gestión Internacional, Business Analytics, Administración y Dirección de Empresas y Derecho. These students have had the opportunity to learn firsthand about the demands and expectations of the technology sector.

Inclusividad a través de la tecnología

In the context of its association with Sónar, SEIDOR has invited Sasha Costanza-Chock, a research and design specialist and activist, associate professor at Northeastern University and member of the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, belonging to Harvard University. With a career linked to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard University, she has been recognized for her commitment to promoting inclusion in technology. During her intervention at Sónar+D, she stated that “it is necessary to redefine technology so that it benefits the whole society, not just a dominant minority.” “There is an inherent risk that technology, without proper guidance, can consolidate an exclusive use, leaving out a large majority of people and communities,” she added.