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Domiberia | S/4HANA

Conversion to S/4 at DOMIBERIA

Since 1930 Domiberia has been dedicated to the manufacture and commercialization of tinplate packaging for national and international companies, mainly for the food, beverage, industrial and pharmaceutical sectors.

They have seven factories in Spain and Holland with 600 committed workers.

In Domiberia there is a very strong interplant product flow, as well as a functional interaction between plants.

The company needed a system that would provide all the functionalities in a homogeneous and delocalized way in order to offer an integrated solution. That is why it decided to contact SEIDOR to implement S/4HANA.

César Velasco

César Velasco

Logistics and SAP Manager

"The implementation of S/4 in Domiberia has been a real success. The project has been developed in the expected time and conditions, there has not been any delay and we have not had any kind of remarkable incidence in the plant. Everything has gone perfectly."

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