ERP Ecosystem

Volkswagen Group España Distribución | DealerNET


Volkswagen Group Spain Distribution (VGED) needed to improve the productivity of its professionals by avoiding handling procedures via email and centralizing all communications with the network in a single tool or portal.

VGED is the distributor of vehicles, spare parts and accessories, as well as mobility solutions, for the Volkswagen, Audi, Škoda, and Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles brands in the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands.


Develop DealerNET, a platform that connects the dealership network with the brand and its suppliers. This is the gateway for all dealership procedures that go through a workflow of states to manage the process. It also provides a configurable dashboard with KPI panels that unify different data and offer information with key performance indicators (KPIs).

The portal is used for various daily management tasks, such as logistics, campaigns, training, lead management, customer satisfaction, communications, order tracking, and more. Additionally, it has been integrated with the Single Sign-On authentication platform (Central Authentication Service) already used in VGED.


The volume of managed emails has been reduced.

  • User productivity has been improved:
    • The processing time per procedure is reduced.
    • A higher volume of requests is processed in the same period of time.
  • Single access to manage the communication tool with the brand and its suppliers.
  • Presentation of results to Management is facilitated thanks to the KPIs.
  • Brand consistency is achieved.

Carolina Puelma

Especialista en Planificación de Ventas de Agencia en VGED

"The ability to free ourselves from the constant drip of emails has been a complete success. We work more efficiently by managing the most relevant procedures thanks to the integrated Dashboard, providing a faster and more decisive service to the Dealership Network."

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