Guía para elegir el mejor software para tu empresa

28 January 2022

Guide to choosing the best software for your business

Choosing the best software for your company is essential because it marks a before and an after. In order to make a good decision, certain aspects should be taken into account.

1. Identify needs or areas for improvement

The first question to ask is what is missing in order to make a good diagnosis. ERP or CRM can meet needs, but you have to know what the problem is. And this can happen whether you have software or not.

For example, CRM may have a customer management module enabled, but it may need another module for the factory and integrate the two. As a result, the first step to take is to check what you need.

It is also possible to have CRM but not be able to integrate it with other tools. This is when you can consider whether you need an alternative.

Another aspect you should always bear in mind is the characteristics of your company. Working in agriculture is not the same as working in services. Moreover, it is not the same depending on the size of the company and whether it works primarily in the cloud.

Finally, there are other aspects related to improvements such as speed, interconnection or implementation.

2. Establish corporate objectives

Establecer objetivos

Once you have identified a need, you will need to set targets. This is the way to have a measurable tools that lets you know how far you want to go.

For example, you can set an increase in sales or productivity. Another scale that may be worthwhile is a reduction of returns if you are in the transport business. And, of course, it never hurts to consider the possibility of cost reduction. In short, depending on the sector you work in, you will be able to highlight one issue or another.

What is advisable is that, in addition to setting objectives, you do so on a calendar basis. At least one or two exercises could serve as a basis. And this will be the part that allows you to calculate the return on your investment.

This is the part that will enable you to start your search for the right software to meet your needs.

3. Assess the different options according to objective criteria

Distintas opciones

The choice of different options, once it is clear what you need and where you want to go, has to take into account several factors. These are the most important decisions to make:


The number of modules and their integration is something to be taken into account. First, if you are already using ERP for example and you want to introduce new modules. On the other hand, because it will allow you to discern which are the ones you really need to adjust your investment to what you need.

SAP Business One ERP offers several separately activable module solutions. This means that you can activate one of them and, should you need more in the future, you can activate more without stopping your activity or making major changes.


Software advantages are another determining factor. For example, On-Demand and On-Premise differentiation is important, because companies want to focus on the cloud while others want to do so in a physical environment. In addition, the software's speed or memory is another very important issue.

The benefits must be in relation to your business sector. For example, working in retail, for which you have solutions such as SAP Business One Retail, is not the same as working in services, for which there is SAP Business One for services.


Software cost is another element in the decision-making process and is related to the performance and size of an SME. It is true that there are free modules, but they are very basic. If you want to professionalise your operations and if you have more than one team, you will have to opt for a payment plan.

On the other hand, the cost has to be analysed, not only in terms of totality; the cheapest is not always the best. Finally, you have to check whether you are going to pay once, in instalments or if you are going to rent.

Technical support

Technical support capacity is another reason to choose one company over the other. As a general rule, it is best to choose a company with a track record in the sector. A prime example of this is SEIDOR Business One.

The first reason is simple, its credibility in the market will give you peace of mind. And the second reason is that you will have a contractual guarantee in case of any problems. When it comes to comprehensive implementation, this is very important.

The idea is that, if you have a problem, you will have support to carry out any repairs. You should also raise the possibility of the company offering free upgrades as a value.

Ease of implementation

Ease of implementation is another aspect to keep in mind, and this will also depend on your staff. You need to be sure that your workers have the necessary training to implement the software quickly.

As a rule of thumb, the easier the implementation is, the better it is. However, it should be borne in mind that sometimes this may not be possible and it may be good to have external support from the company.

The complexity of functions need not pose major implementation difficulties. It is therefore important to take stock of this.

Connectivity to devices

The reality of business today is decentralised, and even more so with the Covid-19 pandemic. Even if there is a central system, it is normally operated with several devices.

It is important that you are able to assess the possibility of multiple connectivity in the first place. There should be no difference whether you use desktop computers, tablets or mobile phones.

Furthermore, the possibility of sending orders or monitoring by remote control is also relevant.

Choosing the best software for your company means planning well and then making a rational decision. In SEIDOR we make the task easier because we offer several solutions for different sectors

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Ildefonso Guzmán
Ildefonso Guzmán
Sales Director en SEIDOR One