Claves para implantar con éxito un ERP paz mental

05 October 2021

5 keys to successfully implementing ERP software at your company

The ability to implement ERP software in your SME is subject to a series of phases. Would you like to find out how to achieve this? Continue reading.

Implementing corporate ERP software successfully, 5 key essential elements

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is the key software solution for your day-to-day work. However, implementation is a complex process that you can rarely carry out alone.

SAP is by far the most widely used software by all types of companies, both large and small. Its versatility and cloud working capacity means that 91% of cloud users use its solutions. In addition, it is a leader in terms of partners, with more than 200,000 worldwide.

There are several reasons why you need help. Firstly, the actual complexity of the system, which requires installation and learning. Furthermore, in some cases information has to be migrated from the old platform. Therefore, it is a good idea to benefit from practical support, such as that provided by SEIDOR Business One.

The implementation process for ERP has a variable time period. In any case, a period of 6 months would be reasonable when it comes to a service SME.

1. Choose the ERP that best suits your company

Elige el ERP que se adapte a tu empresa

The choice of appropriate ERP is a central aspect, consequently, you need to bear in mind the following aspects:

  • Company size: the ERP will be more complex the larger the company size. For an SME, a module solution such as SAP Business is the most suitable as it offers scope for evolution. Be clear about how many modules you need to avoid under-use.
  • The company's activity sector: the activity sector generates different needs. For example, it is not the same to be engaged in the production of goods as to operate in distribution or services. Software for production is not the same as inventory management, for example.
  • Qualifications of staff: the qualifications of staff are a tangential factor, but also to be taken into account. If the implementation manager has a specific qualification, there is nothing better. The implementation periods can increase or be reduced depending on this issue.

These elements will help you make a good decision you do not regret in the medium term. Sometimes, there may be a very good product, but your company cannot use it. And scalability is good, but when you are really going to need it.

2. Establish an implementation schedule

The implementation schedule is a fundamental element for us to have a reference. Not for nothing, you cannot work blindly, but you need to set realistic dates.

Ideally, this should be consulted with the partner, who will tell you what is possible depending on your company. The more workers and modules there are to be implemented, the more time you will need. Consequently, establishing this reference will greatly facilitate the work and govern all stakeholders in the process.

However, once the schedule is established with specific dates, it must be complied with. And this is a role that you will need to direct from above, together with your IT manager.

3. Be serious about configuration and rollout

The configuration and rollout process is probably the most delicate. Firstly, because it will condition the rest of the process. On the other hand, because if the rollout is flawed, you will have problems in the future.

The idea is that you have an implementation schedule established. Several phases must be divided in the schedule, decided previously. This will facilitate testing, with all the advantages that this entails for making modifications. However, the schedule must be verified beforehand so that there are no unnecessary time losses.

Rollout is a matter that affects all members of the company. You have to test that it works and that your employees know how to use it. Therefore, you have to ensure that each party is clear about their role.

4. Ensure the stabilisation

Asegúrate de la estabilización

Stabilisation entails full system implementation and normal operation. You have to test that all the modules are working properly and that the functionalities you have activated are operating as they should.

There is another reason why stabilisation is crucial; avoiding decreased performance. Difficulties in the adaptation or bottlenecks can slow down processes. It is clear that it is important to avoid this situation and reach cruising speed. Therefore, you should stay on top of it to ensure that the process has actually worked well.

This is a role that has to be performed by the company's management, in collaboration with the person responsible for implementing the software.

5. Correct errors

Realiza una corrección de errores

Errors in software implementation can arise before, during and after. This means correcting errors at any time, whether internally or externally.

Internal failures will have to be reworked taking the established schedule and deadlines as a reference. This can help you to see where it has failed, to resolve the problem and to prevent it from happening again. It is ideal for a problem to be resolved on the spot, so that you gain time and save money. Not for nothing, the difference is significant.

If there is a problem, the software provider must give you solutions. This is why working with an official SAP provider is important. If you have any problems, they will be resolved and you will be able to continue with the implementation.


ERP software is designed to solve problems and, although it is very cost-effective in the long run, it requires a period of implementation. So knowing and being careful about the different phases is crucial to achieving success in the process.

Implementing ERP software is very advantageous for any SME, but it is essential to use a suitable, quality solution and to have logistical support. This is what Seo Business One offers. Please contact us if you need more information about the different options.

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