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05 April 2023

The security of Networking

Network security is responsible for protecting the network and its data. To be complete, it must prevent breaches, intrusions and other threats.

Therefore, networking security involves both hardware and software solutions, as well as processes or standards and configurations related to network use, accessibility and general protection against threats. These include access control, anti-virus software, application security, network scanning, network-related security types (endpoint, web, wireless), firewalls, VPN encryption and much more.

Network security encompasses all measures taken to protect the integrity of a computer network and the data it contains. Its relevance lies in the fact that it is responsible for keeping data safe from cyber-attacks, ensuring that the network can be used and can be trusted.

How it works

Networks are composed of many different types of devices, interconnected with each other: Computers, servers, access points, smartphones, IoT devices, wireless networks...

All of them are susceptible to attack, so networking security must deploy various tools (software and hardware) to protect them. The larger a network becomes, the more complex security becomes, as not only individual devices have to be protected, but also the connections between them.

These tools must also be constantly updated to respond to and anticipate the new methods of attack that are emerging. The aim is to prevent attackers from accessing corporate data, especially if they are personal, sensitive or strategic.

Types of tools and solutions

Networking security is therefore composed of various tools and solutions. These include:

  • Access to the zero-trust network. The zero-trust security model establishes that a user must only have access and the permissions they need to perform their function. It allows users who need access to perform their duties to access the applications of an organisation.
  • Multifactor authentication (MFA). An easy-to-use and increasingly popular network security solution that requires two or more factors to verify a user's identity.

· Access control. Defines the individuals or groups and devices that have access to network applications and systems, thus denying unauthorised access.

  • Firewall. Firewalls control incoming and outgoing traffic on networks, with predetermined security rules, preventing hostile traffic from passing through.
  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP). It is a cybersecurity methodology that combines technology and best practices to prevent the exposure of sensitive information outside an organisation, especially regulated data such as personally identifiable information (PII) and compliance-related data: HIPAA, SOX, PCI DSS, etc.
  • Sandboxing. It is a cybersecurity practice in which code is executed or files are opened in a secure and isolated environment in a host machine that mimics the operating environments of the end user.
  • Network segmentation. Defines limits between network segments in which the Group's assets have a common function, risk or role within an organisation. For example, the perimeter gateway segments a company's network from the Internet. Potential threats are avoided outside the network, ensuring that sensitive information in an organisation remains within.
  • Network security at a hyperscale. Hyperscale is the ability of an architecture to scale properly as the system demands increase. This solution includes the rapid deployment and extension or reduction to meet changes in network security demands.
  • Cloud network security. Software-defined networking (SDN) and software-defined wide area networking (SD-WAN) solutions enable network security solutions in private, public, hybrid and cloud-hosted firewall-as-a-service (FWaaS) deployments.
  • Email security, which affects all processes, products and services designed to protect the accounts and content of email against external threats.
  • Intrusion prevention systems (IPS). They can detect or prevent network security attacks, such as brute force attacks, denial of service attacks (DoS) and known vulnerabilities exploits.
  • Remote access VPN. They provide secure remote access to a company's network for individual hosts or clients, such as remote workers, mobile users and external personnel. Privacy and integrity of confidential information is ensured through multi-factor authentication, conformance scanning of terminals and encryption of all transmitted data.

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