Software para pymes - SAP Business One

03 February 2021

Software for SMEs: The best business solutions and tools

You probably already know that an ERP is one of today's most interesting tools for practically any type of company and sector. However, many people wonder whether an ERP is also worth it for SMEs.

Software para pymes - SAP Business One

What is management software?

Management software is a system used to carry out all kinds of computerised day-to-day operations in companies, whether large corporations or SMEs. Examples of the actions that can be carried out include procurement, sales, accounting and any other administrative task. In short, it is a way of having all corporate information in one place.

What does business management software contribute to your business?

The incorporation of a business management software tool provides agility, speed and simplicity. You will gain in agility because you will be able to perform actions simultaneously. Systems provide speed because the changes you implement will be instantaneous. Finally, these systems provide simplicity because you have access to a centralised database.

¿Qué le aporta el software de gestión empresarial a tu negocio?

How to choose the best business software for your company

Choosing the best software for your company is essential and requires considering the following factors:

  • The characteristics of your company, such as size, billing, sector and growth prospects. An SME with more than 5 employees and several departments should incorporate ERP or CRM.
  • The provider has to be reliable, with a proven track record and offer good technical support. Issues are commonplace and you need to have someone who can deal with them.
  • The level of training of your company's employees, in order to choose software that is easy to implement. After all, the time you waste is also money, and intuitive software is the best option.

Risks arising from poor inventory control

Poor inventory control is to be avoided because it generates several risks. Firstly, because of the lack of important components for the security of the facilities or warehouses. The second reason is the possibility of losing money due to poor stock management. Finally, we must point out the loss of competitiveness due to not planning correctly.

Procurement software for SMEs: How it helps you to optimise processes

Procurement software for SMEs is useful if you want to buy better and at better prices. The ability to perform a supplier and cost history check will allow you to know what your volumes are and when you can best buy, as well as plan ahead. Streamlining processes is essential and, in that sense, this tool will make your work easier.

Financial management tips for SMEs

Financial management for SMEs encompasses purchasing and sales processes, as well as income, payments, transfers and operations with suppliers, customers and financial institutions. Specific software provides real situational awareness in real time, with centralised access to data and the ability to perform operations.

How to choose invoicing software

Invoicing software is one of the essential tools for the operation of a SME of a certain entity. The criteria you must take into account to decide are updates, compatibility with admin's tools, scalability and, finally, ease of use.

Data security and digitisation

Software for SMEs facilitates digitisation and data security. First, thanks to password privacy systems only authorised persons will be able to log in. The second method is risk management, identifying threats and blocking them instantly through automatic detection systems.

Digitalización y seguridad de los datos

Main functionalities of ERP for SMEs

The main functionalities of ERP for SMEs are the following: Accounting & Finance, Inventory & Distribution, Reporting & Administration, Sales & Customers and Procurement & Operations. Depending on each company, a module or several modules may be activated that will work in an integrated manner.

Accounting and Finance
Accounting and finance deals with balance sheets, profit and loss accounts and the company's financial statement, as well as bank account balances. The aim is to be able to monitor these issues and perform operations in real time. There are specific tools to work in this area and management software is a common solution.

Inventory and Distribution

Inventory and distribution functionalities cover the situation of warehouses and shops, both in head office and branches. Inventory and Distribution modules also deal with the traceability of goods in order to avoid human error and to ensure accountability.

Reporting and Administration
Functionalities related to Reporting and Administration are associated with Big Data and encompass everything related to statistics and internal company administration issues. Data use is essential to make decisions and to work well on a day-to-day basis.

Sales and Customers
Sales and Customers feature facilitates access to billing data in absolute and relative terms. On the other hand, it also allows you to identify your customers and their buying patterns. There are ERPs that include CRM (Customer Relationship Manager) modules for sales and customer management.

Procurement and Operations
The Procurement and Operations functionality relates to spending with suppliers, whether for goods or supplies. Procurement software allows cost calculations to optimise investments. In addition, you have the function to monitor the status of the acquisitions in real time.

Cloud ERP: Features and Benefits of Cloud ERP

Cloud ERP are systems that operate exclusively in the cloud, i.e. in an external, virtual storage environment. The main benefits of these systems are that you do not need a large initial investment, you can host all your servers and systems, and you can maintain your operational structure decentralised.

What is inventory control and what inventory systems are there?


Inventory control encompasses all actions aimed at checking the condition and quantity of goods or supplies. The main inventory systems, such as registry management software, are as follows:

  • Perpetual Inventory: All movements into and out of the warehouse are recorded in real time.
  • Periodic Inventory: The entry and exit of goods is calculated over a certain period of time.

Tips to improve supply chain management

Supply chain management is key to achieving improved corporate ratios. The following tips will help to improve administration:

1. Organize yourself

Organisation is essential to gain efficiency in the supply chain. This means being methodical in interactions with suppliers, with inventory and outgoing goods. There are always guidelines to follow, which is why SME software can help you.

2. Make the most of your time

Time management is another essential aspect, because it helps you to be more efficient. Big Data will let you know your lead time, apply lean manufacturing techniques and adjust your stock to your needs. The use of IT tools makes a difference and this will make a huge difference.

3. Choosing the right means of transport

Suitable means of transport is relevant due to cost and time of action. This means that, depending on your company's needs, you will have to choose road, rail, air or sea transport. And yes, you always have to be able to control shipments' timing and status.

4. Digitise the company

The digitisation of the company is an essential factor in order to be competitive. The use of management tools such as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) facilitates digital transition and lets you control the chain from start to finish. The degree of automation will be higher or lower depending on your sector of activity and the importance of the company.

5. Use management indicators

The use of management indicators is essential to know the real status of your supply chain. Some useful indicators for achieving this are transport costs, global costs, delivery times and defective goods. This will allow you to balance out and ultimately reduce the element of decision subjectivity.

When is it time to invest in technology for your business?

The possibility of investing in technology for your company, especially if it is an SME, is interesting in three cases. First, if you intend to make a qualitative leap and grow. The second reason is whether you want to reduce your management costs. The third reason is the obsolescence of old computer systems.

¿Cuándo es momento de invertir en tecnología para tu empresa?

The most widely used software by Spanish SMEs

Software tools are varied and diverse. The most commonly used software by Spanish SMEs, in this order, are as follows:

  • ERP: ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) enables all the company's day-to-day management functions to be carried out. It is possible to activate one or more modules, depending on the company.
  • CRM: CRM (Customer Relationship Manager) is software that focuses on sales and marketing features with customers.
  • HR: HR software (Human Resources) is designed to perform all tasks related to the organisation of working time, recruitment, holidays or payroll.
  • WMS: WMS (Warehouse Management Software) is used to control inventories, both incoming and outgoing.
 Los softwares más usados por las PYMES españolas

CRM software for SMEs in 2021

There are several software tools for specific SMEs today. The best CRM software for SMEs used in 2021 are as follows:

1. SAP Business One

SAP Business One software is ERP, but it also includes a CRM function. Because of its ability to integrate and link different functions such as marketing, sales and inventory, it is one of the most interesting options for SMEs.

2. WebCRM

The WebCRM tool is a CRM tool. It is worth highlighting the ease of applying different metrics, the ability to send mass mailings and to assign one to each salesperson in the company.

3. Optimasuite

OptimSuite is CRM in the cloud that has two possibilities according to the SME's needs. First, the Sales modality specialises in improving sales and performance ratios. The SAT modality is more focused on customer interaction.

4. Zoho

Zoho is a multi-channel tool that favours working in various contexts, whether mobile, tablet or desktop. Furthermore, this software has its own wizard, called Zia, which facilitates the work. This is an ideal option for neophytes.

5. Ahora

The CRM Ahora software for SMEs stands out for its automation capacity and 360º vision. TThis tool takes care of analysing the pipeline of opportunities to help you make the right decision and you will also work offline.

What are reports for in an ERP system?

Reports in ERP are used to provide data to facilitate decision making with suppliers, customers or employees. In times of Big Data, having compiled and classified information is vital to avoid mistakes and to be more efficient in day-to-day operations with customers. The types of reports available are geographic, sales, product and manufacturing.

Invoicing software, what is it?

Invoicing software for SMEs is used to manage everything related to invoices and receipts. This system allows the creation and cancellation of invoices and quotations, as well as the management of customer and supplier data.

Stock management software: Improves operational efficiency

Stock management software is essential to improve operational efficiency. The first reason is because you will have an accurate knowledge of what is in stock at all times. On the other hand, this SME software tool can also be used to plan future purchases and sales in order to negotiate better prices.

How to reduce administrative burdens on your business?

Administrative burdens on your business can be reduced through computerisation. This will simplify the paperwork, make you need less work and get the information in less time. The incorporation of an ERP and CRM system is therefore a must if you do not want to be left behind.



Get the ERP you need to control your SME

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