Edge Technologies

New app for Abaxis that provides blood analysis results in 5 minutes


Abaxis, the leading American company in the field of blood analysis, wanted to improve its healthcare services by taking a step further with eHealth and mHealth technologies, with the aim of putting the patient at the center and helping veterinarians offer more personalized care.


We developed the first mobile app in the veterinary sector for Abaxis that provides blood analysis results in just 5 minutes: Vetscan VUE.

Through Product Thinking workshops, we designed an innovative approach for infectious disease tests in veterinary centers. Through research where professionals are the focus, a new tool has been created that streamlines, simplifies, and improves the careful obtaining of results.

Abaxis Vetscan VUE helps diagnose infectious diseases in animals. VUE transmits data directly to the app, reducing the risk of human error in information transmission. All this with a professional interface that can be used in any veterinary clinic.


This has been an impactful IoT project that helps veterinarians improve patient health, obtaining:

  • Greater agility, simplicity, and effectiveness in results
  • Reduction of possible human errors in information transmission
  • Reduction of diagnosis times by veterinarians
  • Savings in manufacturing and hardware costs (due to the screenless device)
  • Extended product lifecycle
  • Visibility of end-user behavior
  • Improved CX thanks to the high-resolution screens of the application

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