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June 05, 2024

Translations of paragraphs in Drupal 8

Today we are doing a small tutorial to learn how to apply our translations to the paragraphs of our website in Drupal 8.

How can I translate my paragraphs in Drupal 8?

When we enable translation in our Drupal 8 at /admin/config/regional/content-language, the configuration in the paragraph field is incorrect. So, how can we translate our fields? First, we need to go to our content type at /admin/structure/content-types/”nuestrotipo”/manage-fields, once on this screen, we look for the paragraph field we have created and edit it, we will find a checkbox that we need to uncheck called: Users can translate this field.

Once this part is done, we access our paragraphs, look for the one we want to modify and click on “Manage our fields”, we will see all the fields we have, we will need to edit them one by one and check the box that we previously unchecked.

Once we have completed these steps, we proceed to the last step of the tutorial, we go to /admin/config/regional/content-language, at the top we will see the fields that we can translate marked with a check. If the paragraph is not checked, we check it, and then at the bottom, we look for the paragraph section and check the paragraphs we want to translate.

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