
May 09, 2024

Our 7 technological trends for 2024

The current technological landscape is characterized by acceleration, which in the last year has been reinforced by the momentum of artificial intelligence. In this context, the new projects undertaken and the numerous conversations held with clients and potential clients provide us with perspective and allow us to glimpse an x-ray of the technological trends for 2024.

  1. Generative AI
    2023 has been the year of the explosion of GenAI and this technology will continue to spread on a large scale in 2024. At SEIDOR, we have started projects with our main clients, with the intention of exploiting this technology in production as soon as possible, either to improve customer service or to enhance operational processes. Words like GPT, LLM, or RAG are already part of the common vocabulary.
  2. Cloud AI
    Our approach to AI consists of using the services and tools available in the cloud for building AI solutions. And, especially, with PaaS services from major cloud providers (basically Amazon Bedrock and Azure OpenAI), which not only provide us with the advantages of the cloud (scalability, pay-per-use) but also the invaluable ability to develop AI solutions from engineering.
  3. Cloud-native development and app modernization
    We will continue developing cloud-native applications for our clients. Cloud-native applications are based on DevOps principles, continuous delivery, microservices, and containers to take advantage of the benefits of the cloud. And we will continue to accompany our clients on their "journey to cloud", modernizing legacy systems towards cloud-first models.
  4. Lowcode
    Will **Low Code** be imposed to develop software applications without the need to write code, using visual and intuitive platforms? We do not know, but we have been very attentive to this trend, we have prepared by training our teams and we think that in 2024 relatively important implementations will begin to be carried out, among which the modernization of legacy management applications will abound.
  5. Blockchain
    "Blockchain? That's right. The technology that had been searching for a problem to solve is now the key in a solution for digitizing lottery shares that we are developing at SEIDOR. We are also working on a large interuniversity project in Spain to evolve the current interoperability model and facilitate the exchange of university data."
  6. Agile “real”
    Clients and IT providers have been trying for some time to reconcile the demand for a closed scope and budget with implementation that adopts, as much as possible, agile practices. In recent times, and to an increasingly greater extent, we are pleased to see that the agile methodology is being imposed from the very contracting of IT services: projects with a closed budget (of course), but whose scope is limited to defining large epics and periodic billing based on work done instead of specific deliverables. We predict great success for these projects.
  7. Tecnología sostenible
    We are the first consulting firm to achieve the "net zero" accreditation from the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, not only because we believe there is a societal demand for organizations to do things well and with the smallest carbon footprint possible (which will ultimately lead to new regulatory frameworks in this regard) but because it is part of our purpose: humanizing technology, creating solutions with a positive impact.


The year 2023 has marked the beginning of some technological innovations that we believe will accelerate in the coming year. 2024 promises innovations that will create very important opportunities, both for transforming businesses and for doing so in the right way and with a positive impact.

If you want to start your journey towards a smarter and more sustainable future through technology, contact us.

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