
26 October 2023

How Edge Computing is driving automation and efficiency in the industry.

The technological advancement has led to the emergence of concepts that, while they may seem futuristic, are already being implemented and transforming various sectors. One of these concepts is Edge Computing. But, what is it exactly, and why is it so relevant in the industry?

Edge Computing: Empowering real-time industrial efficiency

Essentially, Edge Computing refers to the practice of processing data near the source where it's generated, at the "edge" of the network, rather than sending that data to a centralized data center or the cloud for processing. Imagine a sensor on an assembly line detecting anomalies in real-time. Instead of sending that data to a server kilometers away, the sensor can process and act on that data locally, almost instantly.

The adoption of Edge Computing in the industry is a response to the need for faster, more efficient, and adaptive operations. As factories and production plants become more automated and connected, the amount of generated data is overwhelming. Processing this vast amount of information in real-time becomes an imperative need, especially when any delay, even milliseconds, can have a significant impact on production.

The relevance of Edge Computing in the industrial sector cannot be underestimated. We are on the cusp of a technology-driven industrial revolution where speed, precision, and adaptability are crucial. Edge Computing emerges as a solution that not only meets these demands but also paves the way for future innovations.

The imperative need for edge processing

Digitization and the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) have led to an exponential growth in data generation. Every device, sensor, and system now produces a constant stream of information. However, the true value lies not just in collecting this data but in how it is processed and used to make decisions. This is where Edge Computing truly shines.

1. Reduced Latency:

Latency refers to the time it takes for information to travel from its source to its destination. In critical applications like advanced manufacturing or robotics, even milliseconds of latency can be problematic. By processing data locally, near where it's generated, Edge Computing drastically reduces this latency, enabling real-time responses.

2. Less Network Congestion:

Constantly sending large volumes of data to and from a centralized data center can cause bottlenecks and overload the network. By handling more processing at the edge, the load on the central network infrastructure is reduced, ensuring a more efficient data flow.

3. Localized Decision-Making:

In many industrial scenarios, the ability to make quick and autonomous decisions locally is essential. Whether it's a robot that needs to adjust its operation based on the data it collects or a sensor that must act on a change in conditions, Edge Computing allows these devices to act intelligently without constantly relying on a central server.

4. Resource Economy:

Transmitting and storing all generated data in a centralized data center is not only inefficient in terms of latency but can also be costly in terms of resources and energy. Local processing can result in significant savings by reducing the need for constant transmission and long-term storage of large volumes of data.

In summary, edge processing is becoming an imperative need for modern industry. As industrial environments become more dynamic and data-centric, the ability to act on that information quickly and efficiently will be key to maintaining a competitive advantage.

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Advanced robotics driven by Edge Computing

Robotics has been a central piece of the industry for decades, evolving from simple mechanical arms to complex automated systems. However, the introduction of Edge Computing is taking industrial robotics to a new level of sophistication and capability.

  1. Real-Time Processing: Modern robots, equipped with advanced sensors, generate an immense amount of real-time data. Whether detecting defects on a production line or navigating a warehouse, the ability to process and act on this data instantly is crucial. Edge Computing allows these robots to analyze and respond to data on the spot, without the latency of sending it to a centralized server.
  2. Adaptability and Autonomous Learning: By incorporating Edge Computing, robots can not only react to their environment but also learn from it. This means that over time, they can adapt to new scenarios, optimize their operations, and improve their efficiency, all based on locally collected and processed data.
  3. Enhanced Communication between Robots: In many industrial environments, multiple robots work together. With Edge Computing, these robots can communicate more effectively, sharing data and making collective decisions in real-time, increasing coordination and efficiency.
  4. Increased Security and Reliability: By reducing dependence on a constant connection to a central server, Edge Computing-powered robots are less vulnerable to network interruptions or potential cyberattacks targeting central systems. This translates to safer and more reliable operations.
  5. Expansion into New Environments: With the ability to process data locally, robots can now operate in places where it was previously impossible due to connectivity limitations. Whether in underground mines, offshore locations, or remote areas, Edge Computing enables robotics to advance into new frontiers.

In conclusion, Edge Computing is revolutionizing how robotics integrates and operates in the industry. By providing local processing capabilities, it is giving rise to smarter, more adaptable, and efficient robots, ready to face the challenges of the modern industrial world.

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Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication at the Edge

Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication has been a fundamental pillar in industrial automation, enabling devices and systems to interact with each other without human intervention. However, with the incorporation of Edge Computing, this communication has reached new heights of efficiency and capability.

  1. Instantaneous Responses: One of the greatest benefits of Edge Computing in M2M communication is the ability to provide virtually real-time responses. In a scenario where every millisecond counts, such as in an automated production line, direct machine-to-machine communication at the edge can prevent failures and optimize operations.
  2. Reduction in Network Traffic: By managing M2M communication locally, the amount of data that needs to be transmitted over the network is significantly reduced. This not only decreases congestion and latency but can also lead to significant cost savings in transmission and storage.
  3. Autonomous Decision-Making: With Edge Computing, devices can not only communicate with each other but also have the ability to make decisions based on the data they collect and process. This allows unprecedented adaptability and flexibility in industrial operations, as systems can adjust and reconfigure based on real-time needs.
  4. Enhanced Security: Localized M2M communication, managed at the edge, is inherently more secure. By reducing data exposure to broader networks, the risk of interceptions or cyberattacks is minimized. Additionally, Edge Computing solutions often incorporate advanced security protocols specifically designed to protect M2M communication.
  5. Integration with Emerging Technologies: The combination of Edge Computing with other emerging technologies, such as 5G or Artificial Intelligence, is opening new possibilities for M2M communication. These combinations enable more advanced implementations, from real-time monitoring of assets across an entire city to the autonomous coordination of vehicle fleets.

Zero Latency: Efficiency and Competitiveness in Industry

In the dynamic world of industry, where production is measured in seconds and any delay can result in significant losses, latency becomes a critical factor. Latency essentially represents the time it takes for information to be transmitted, processed, and acted upon. In many industrial scenarios, achieving "zero latency" or at least extremely low latency is essential to maintain efficiency and quality.

  1. Importance of Low Latency: Every millisecond counts in operations such as precision manufacturing, control of heavy machinery, or real-time monitoring systems. High latency can lead to errors, malfunctions, or even accidents. Therefore, reducing latency is not only a matter of efficiency but also of safety.
  2. Competitive Advantages: Companies that successfully implement low-latency solutions can enjoy competitive advantages in the market. The ability to respond quickly to changes, adapt production on the fly, and ensure timely deliveries can differentiate a company from its competitors.
  3. Cost Reduction for Low Quality: With reduced latency, systems can detect and correct errors almost instantly. This means fewer defective products, less waste, and ultimately a reduction in costs associated with low quality.
  4. Real-Time Decision-Making: Low latency allows decisions to be made in real-time. Whether adjusting parameters on a production line, redirecting resources in a supply chain, or responding to alerts in a monitoring system, the ability to act immediately is invaluable.
  5. Preparing for the Future: As we move toward a more connected world, where the Internet of Things (IoT) and robotics will play even more prominent roles, the importance of zero latency will only grow. Companies that anticipate this trend and adapt their operations accordingly will be better positioned to thrive in the future.

"Zero latency" is therefore more than just an ideal; it is a necessity in the modern industrial world. Through Edge Computing and other emerging technologies, companies now have the tools to approach this goal and unlock new opportunities and efficiencies in the process.


The Cost of Inaction: The Impact of Ignoring Low Latency

While the benefits of implementing low-latency solutions are evident, it is equally crucial to understand the implications of not doing so. In a rapidly advancing industrial world, inaction or resistance to change can have significant consequences.

  1. Loss of Efficiency: Without the ability to make real-time decisions and act, operations can become slow and cumbersome. This lack of agility can result in longer production times, increased resource consumption, and ultimately, higher operating costs.
  2. Compromised Quality: The inability to detect and correct errors instantly can lead to a decrease in product quality. In sectors where precision and quality are essential, such as the aerospace industry or medical device manufacturing, this can have serious repercussions.
  3. Loss of Competitive Advantage: In a globalized market, companies compete not only on price but also on speed and quality. Organizations that do not adopt low-latency solutions may find themselves lagging behind, losing customers and market opportunities to more agile competitors.
  4. Security Risks: A slow response to security threats or failures in critical systems can have devastating consequences. Whether it's a cyberattack, machinery failure, or any other emergency, the ability to act quickly is essential to mitigate risks and protect assets.
  5. Challenges in Adopting New Technologies: Ignoring the importance of low latency not only affects current operations but can also hinder the adoption of new technologies in the future. As advanced robotics, IoT, and other innovations become more prevalent, the need for real-time processing will only increase.

In summary, while the adoption of low-latency solutions presents its own challenges and costs, the risks associated with inaction are significantly greater. In today's fast-paced industrial world, falling behind is not a viable option.

The path to the Future: Getting ready for an era of low latency

While the present already demonstrates the importance of low latency in the industry, it is imperative to look toward the future and anticipate the trends and challenges that lie ahead. We are on the verge of an industrial transformation driven by Edge Computing and other emerging technologies, and it is essential to be prepared.

  1. Integration of Advanced Technologies: The convergence of Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, and advanced robotics promises to take industrial automation and efficiency to new levels. These technologies, combined with low-latency solutions, will enable smarter, more adaptive, and autonomous operations.
  2. Training and Skill Development: As we embrace new technologies, investing in training and skill development is essential. Staff must be prepared not only to operate in a low-latency environment but also to make the most of the opportunities these solutions offer.
  3. Infrastructure Investment: Adopting low-latency solutions may require significant investments in infrastructure, from hardware upgrades to the implementation of faster and more secure networks. It is essential to consider these costs and plan accordingly.
  4. Collaboration and Strategic Alliances: In such a complex and ever-evolving world, no company can navigate alone. Forming strategic alliances, whether with technology providers, academic institutions, or even competitors, can be key to staying ahead.
  5. Ethical and Social Considerations: The adoption of advanced technologies and the transition to more autonomous operations can bring ethical and social considerations. From the impact on employment to concerns about privacy and security, it is essential to address these issues proactively and responsibly.

Discover the Potential of EDGE Technologies

Explore the future of enterprise computing with EDGE Computing. Uncover how to tackle challenges and leverage opportunities in this essential webinar.


Edge Computing, at its core, is more than a mere technological evolution; it is a catalyst for profound change and transformation in the industry. By enabling data processing at the edge, right where it is generated, we have opened the door to a new paradigm of operation: one based on immediacy, precision, and adaptability.

This technology is not only redefining how businesses operate on a daily basis but also how they envision and plan their future. With Edge Computing, the promises of more efficient production, informed decision-making, and highly automated systems are no longer distant visions but tangible realities unfolding today.

Looking to the horizon, the impact of Edge Computing extends beyond production lines and industrial plants. Its promise lies in creating an industrial ecosystem where machines and humans coexist and collaborate in harmony, driven by instantly processed data and real-time decision-making. It envisions a future where efficiency and automation not only enhance profitability but also elevate quality, safety, and sustainability.

In summary, Edge Computing is not just preparing the industry for tomorrow; it is reimagining what is possible today. It is an invitation to dream bigger, act faster, and build a brighter and more promising industrial future.

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